Son Of Svengoolie - "Sell-Out Radio Network" (1983)
Here's the sketch "Sell-Out Radio Network" from Son of Sven episode number 188 where he was showing the film "Black Friday".
This was Break 5, Segment 5.
Those aren't 8 tracks, those are cart tapes spinning on Son of Svengoolie's platter. WHAT is actually AM 1340 in Philadelphia. KWIT is actually FM 90.3 in Sioux City. WAXX is 104.5 FM in Eau Claire. KUDD is 107.9 FM in Roy, Utah. Surprisingly, there is no radio station with the call letters KOLD but they are CBS 13 in Tuscon.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, February 19th 1983.
Date Uploaded: 10/19/2007
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