KBHK Channel 44 - Son Of Svengoolie - "Son Of Frankenstein" (Bumper, 1983)

Views: 1988


Here's a commercial bumper for the Son of Svengoolie presentation of "Son of Frankenstein" on one of the Field Communications affiliates - KBHK Channel 44 in San Francisco.

Obvious question: Why did they use "Rumble" if "Sven's Theme" had been in use for many years by this point?

Also interesting to note that they titled it, "Svengoolie Movie".

This aired on local San Francisco TV on Saturday, May 21st 1983.

Date Uploaded: 06/07/2009

Tags: 1980s   Son of Svengoolie   Miscellaneous Odds & Ends     


Obvious question: Why did they use "Rumble" if "Sven's Theme" had been in use for many years by this point?

Also interesting to note that they titled it, "Svengoolie Movie".

This aired on local San Francisco TV on Saturday, May 21st 1983." /> Share


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