WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News Update with Terry Murphy (1979)
Here's an Eyewitness News Update with Terry Murphy, previewing the following items to air on the 5 pm newscast:
- Gov. James Thompson acting on "Target 7's" recent "Hidden Children" series on neglected handicapped children
- Two women found slain in Merrillville, IN townhouse
- "Sunshine Sniper" Ronald Hoffman found unfit to stand trial
This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, February 2nd 1979.
Date Uploaded: 06/12/2013
Tags: 1970s WLS Channel 7 News
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Smctopia 06/13/2013 Reply
What a noisy newsroom.
T.K. 06/13/2013 Reply
It looks as if there's some lollygagging around the assignment desk. Someone off-camera to the left is doing something that the other guys think is funny. Terry should have turned around and yelled at them to pipe down. :-)
I wonder what sort of camera WLS had in their newsroom. I would imagine it was something relatively small, hence the marginal picture quality. You can tell from the shadows that it took a pretty harsh key light to get decent contrast.
ChrisBCritter 06/17/2013 Reply
Or as the Trib's Gary Deeb called her, "Terry 'Disco' Murphy", for the kind of stories she usually reported on...