WMAQ Channel 5 - NewsCenter5 Update (1978)

Views: 2409


Here's a NewsCenter5 update on WMAQ Channel 5, read (off-camera) by Ed Grennan. Headlines include:

- Anti-nuclear protest outside Rocky Flats nuclear plant in Colorado, calling for plant's closure

- Former President Richard Nixon writes that he considered Watergate "just a public relations problem"

- Northwest Airlines' pilots still on strike

- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to enter United States

This update concludes with a reminder to set your clocks one hour forward.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Sunday, April 30th 1978.

Date Uploaded: 06/06/2013

Tags: 1970s   WMAQ Channel 5   News     


- Northwest Airlines' pilots still on strike

- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to enter United States

This update concludes with a reminder to set your clocks one hour forward.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Sunday, April 30th 1978." /> Share


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HUdson 3-2700 06/07/2013 Reply

Ah, the days when Daylight Saving Time started the last Sunday of April and ended the last Sunday of October...

W.B. 06/07/2013 Reply

You mean starting the last day of April, now . . .

ChitownTVFan 06/07/2013 Reply

I'm a early April to late October guy myself. Shame that the politicians support the March-November phooey in 2007. :-(

HUdson 3-2700 06/07/2013 Reply

WB - thanks, I fixed it...

W.B. 06/09/2013 Reply

This was sort of reminiscent of the sign-off newscasts of their NYC sister station WNBC Channel 4 of the time - except that, as with the 1980 clip already on here, there was (set in the same Helvetica Bold font as this) instead displayed "WNBC-TV News," though the offscreen voiceover (whether Arthur Gary or Jerry Damon or Bill Rippe or who else manned the booth at the time of sign-off) referred to "NewsCenter4" in their script ("Here's a summary of news, sports and weather from NewsCenter4").