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Results for: 'WMAQ Channel 5'
WMAQ Channel 5 - "You", Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart (Promos, 1982)
Views: 1986
Here are some promos from WMAQ Channel 5 - "You", with Warner Saunders (cut off at beginning), Mary Tyler Moore, and Bob Newhart.
(Note - The quick edit from the "You" promo to the MTM promo was like that in the original broadcast. This sequence of promos is exactly as aired.)
These promos aired on local Chicago TV in February of 1982.
WMAQ Channel 5 - NewsCenter 5 Update With Jim Ruddle (1980)
Views: 3638
Here's a NewsCenter 5 update on WMAQ Channel 5 featuring Jim Ruddle. Previews of 10pm stories include:
Ninth day of Persian Gulf war shows no signs that peace is near, with the Ayatollah Khomeini vowing that Iran will fight until the end
U.S. uses planes to help Saudi Arabia keep tabs on the war
Victim of toxic-shock syndrome talks about her case.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, September 30th 1980.
WMAQ Channel 5 - "Proud Local Lineup" (Promo, 1980)
Views: 3970
Here's a local version of the NBC Network "Proud as a Peacock" campaign featuring the weekday evening lineup on WMAQ Channel 5. Features clips from:
NewsCenter 5 at 6pm
Family Feud (Mondays & Tuesday at 6:30pm)
The $1.98 Beauty Show (Wednesdays at 6:30pm)
The Price Is Right (Thursdays at 6:30pm)
Name That Tune (Fridays at 6:30pm)
Voiceover by ??
This promo aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, July 26th 1980.
WMAQ Channel 5 - "Saturday Night Live" (Local Promo, 1982)
Views: 1089
Here is a local bumper promo on WMAQ Channel 5 in Chicago for Saturday Night Live featuring Mary Gross.
This promo aired on local Chicago TV in July of 1982.
WMAQ Channel 5 - NewsCenter5 - "Maury Povich" (Short Promos, 1976/77)
Views: 1786
Here are two short promos for the coming arrival of Maury Povich as co-anchor with Ron Hunter of the 4:30pm and 6pm editions of NewsCenter5 on WMAQ Channel 5. The first features Broadway star Carol Channing, the second Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minnesota), each giving testimonials about what effect Mr. Povich will have on Chicago viewers. (It would be another decade, however, before Maury would have a major effect on the rest of the country.)
These aired on local C...
WMAQ Channel 5 - "Happy Hanukkah" (1977)
Views: 1993
Here's a quick bumper slide and voiceover wishing everyone a Happy Chanukah.
Voiceover by Ed Grennan.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Wednesday, December 7th 1977.
WMAQ Channel 5 - Gamut (Bumper Promo, 1982)
Views: 2559
Here is a short bumper promo for a local program that aired on WMAQ Channel 5 Sundays at 8:30am - "Gamut".
After some research, it appears the host was Father Martin Winters. This show was long-lived apparently, with the same host. I just looked at a TV Guide for mid-September 1990, and the show was still on Channel 5 with Father Martin. (Assuming they weren't reruns)
This promo aired on local Chicago TV in July of 1982.
WMAQ Channel 5 - "Late Night Saturday" (Promo, 1980)
Views: 2813
Here is an NBC promo for the Late Night Saturday line-up on WMAQ Channel 5. After Saturday Night Live, it was SCTV at 12 Midnight, Sha-Na-Na at 12:30am, The Guinness Game at 1am, and finally Tales of the Unexpected at 1:30am.
Voiceover by Garry Meier (verified by Rob Hart - "He says they were taping the Steve & Garry special "Not for Midgets Only" when the Channel 5 people asked him to record a couple of promos.")
"Channel 5 - Proud as a Peacock!"
WMAQ Channel 5 - NewsCenter 5 at 6pm (Part 2, 1981)
Views: 2109
Here is Part 2 of NewsCenter 5 at 6pm on WMAQ Channel 5 featuring Jim Ruddle and Carol Marin. Includes:
$300 property tax break offered for homeowners through Hynes Amendment. Featuring Thomas Hynes - Cook County Assessor.
Story on Mc Auley School - The Little Red Schoolhouse - One Room School - District 27 in DuPage County. Featuring Kay Stone - schoolteacher. Barry Bernson reporting.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, March 9th 1981.