WMAQ Channel 5 - "Late Night Saturday" (Promo, 1980)

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Here is an NBC promo for the Late Night Saturday line-up on WMAQ Channel 5. After Saturday Night Live, it was SCTV at 12 Midnight, Sha-Na-Na at 12:30am, The Guinness Game at 1am, and finally Tales of the Unexpected at 1:30am.

Voiceover by Garry Meier (verified by Rob Hart - "He says they were taping the Steve & Garry special "Not for Midgets Only" when the Channel 5 people asked him to record a couple of promos.")

"Channel 5 - Proud as a Peacock!"

This promo aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, May 30th 1980.

Date Uploaded: 07/27/2009

Tags: 1980s   WMAQ Channel 5     


"Channel 5 - Proud as a Peacock!"

This promo aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, May 30th 1980." /> Share


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