Sambo's Restaurants - "Just What The Family Ordered..." (Commercial, 1977)

Views: 2177


Here's another commercial for the unfortunately named "Sambo's" Restaurants.

Featuring actor David Hollander who memorably played the part of the "little businessman who drinks coffee" in the film Airplane!.

This aired on local Los Angeles TV on Friday, July 15th 1977 during the 3:30pm to 5:00pm [PST] timeframe.

Date Uploaded: 08/12/2016

Tags: 1970s   Defunct Restaurants (Or No Longer In The Chicago Area)     


Featuring actor David Hollander who memorably played the part of the "little businessman who drinks coffee" in the film Airplane!.

This aired on local Los Angeles TV on Friday, July 15th 1977 during the 3:30pm to 5:00pm [PST] timeframe." /> Share


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FieldGal44 12/30/2016 Reply

The kid looks absolutely terrified in the thumbnail. :')

GHilbrich 01/19/2017 Reply

He was also "Little Earl" on "What's Happening?" and had a role in the Academy Awards sweeping "Meatballs Part 2".