WGN Channel 9 - Bozo's Circus - "4th of July Spectacular" (1978)

Views: 2473


Here's a special Independence Day treat - a Bozo's Circus salute to the 4th of July as aired on that day in 1978 on WGN Channel 9. Introduced by Frazier Thomas, with performers from The Diana School of Dance, (and featuring a patriotic Cooky and Bozo cameo appearance at the end!)

An amazing time-capsule! Just when you think it's over, it continues. ;-) Watch the baton-twirler boy as he misses his mark a few times, but recovers nicely.

For the keen eyed, there is also a point where a lady at the end of the first row in the audience drops a program or piece of paper or something and then can be seen using her foot to non-nonchalantly drag it back over to her. :-)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Tuesday, July 4th 1978 during the 12:00 Noon to 1pm timeframe.

Date Uploaded: 07/02/2016

Tags: 1970s   WGN Channel 9   Kids' Stuff   Bozo's Circus / The Bozo Show Clips     




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ChrisBCritter 07/04/2016 Reply

What a great find, Fuzzy! Is there more of this show to come, or does just this segment exist?

Man, those outfits - they should have been Evel Knievel's opening act!

Burr-Rabbitt 07/04/2018 Reply

It says video not found or access denied. I can't play it at all.