WGN Channel 9 - Donahue - "Ringo Starr & Barbara Bach" (Open & Break, 1981)

Views: 1039


Here's the opening and first break of Donahue featuring his guests Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach.

Commercial: Reach Toothbrush by Johnson & Johnson

Commercial: Country Time Lemonade (C) 1981 General Foods Corp.

Commercial: Chef Boy-ar-dee - Spaghetti and 8 Mini Meat Balls with Tomato Sauce

Goldblatt's - Instant Cash for Gold, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, etc - Free Appraisal

Opening minutes of Donahue's chat with former Beatle Ringo Starr and former Bond girl and soon-to-be Mrs. Ringo Starr - Barbara Bach.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Monday, March 23rd 1981 at 11:00am.

Date Uploaded: 05/29/2016

Tags: 1980s   WGN Channel 9     




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