67 WMAQ Radio - "Dancing Dollars" (Commercial, 1980)

Views: 2659


Here's a commercial for 67 WMAQ Radio's Dancing Dollars contest, with offers of cash and prizes for station listeners, featuring the memorable "stacks of cash with legs" dancing and doing a "Rockettes" type number.

"Everyone's coming up a winner!"

This aired on local Chicago TV late Saturday, February 16th 1980.


"Everyone's coming up a winner!"

This aired on local Chicago TV late Saturday, February 16th 1980." /> Share


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ChitownTVFan 07/06/2013 Reply

Everyone's coming up a winner on WMAQ
Everyone's coming up a winner and people happy too!

HUdson 3-2700 07/06/2013 Reply

You found it!

GalagaFleetCommander 07/07/2013 Reply

I can see 5 year olds being delighted by this. Imagine that...A radio contest being geared towards pre-schoolers with a 5 figure payout. That would make for some hilarious radio!

ChitownTVFan 07/07/2013 Reply

Galaga, I can see that happening one day. :-)

Dth1971 07/08/2013 Reply

WMAQ 67 AM at the time was a country music station, later it became an all news station, and today it is The Score 670 AM sports talk.