Galaxy Disco (Commercial, 1976)
FuzzBeat Presents What's Happening... ;-)
Here's a totally groovy commercial for the Galaxy Discotheque, located at 37 East Lorraine Road in Addison, IL. $1 per person cover charge on Fridays and Saturdays! It was a "million dollar discotheque", had an "exciting sound activated dance floor", "ultrasonic" sound system, free dance instructions Sundays and Mondays at 9pm, "plenty of free parking", and was "adjacent to the Stardust Bowl" (which is still open!). What's not to love?
History Note: During the Winter of 1985, Galaxy Disco changed their name to Dilligaf's (or "Dillies" as the regulars apparently called it). The name was a reference to an acronym for an off-color saying, "Do I look like I give a...[expletive deleted]". And now you know the rest of the story...
Voiceover by ??
This aired on local Chicago TV early Sunday, May 23rd 1976 at a few minutes before 1:00am.
Date Uploaded: 09/08/2013
Tags: 1970s Local Commercials
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