Atari Video Computer System with Pete Rose, Pele & Don Knotts (Commercial, 1978)

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Here's a commercial for the Atari Video Computer System with 20 cartridges available and 1,300 game variations. Featuring baseball's "Charlie Hustle," Pete Rose, promoting the Atari Home Run Cartridge; soccer legend Pele promoting the Atari Air Sea Battle Cartridge; and Don Knotts, inside a prison cell (presumably not the one featured in Scared Straight!), promoting the Atari Breakout Cartridge.

Voiceover by ??

"Don't just watch television tonight - play it!"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, November 5th 1978.


Scared Straight!), promoting the Atari Breakout Cartridge.

Voiceover by ??

"Don't just watch television tonight - play it!"

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, November 5th 1978." /> Share


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