CBS Network - "Space Invaders" (Bumper, 1983)

Views: 1670


Here's a bumper for when CBS aired kids' shows on Saturday mornings between 1982 and 1984. This one, with no voiceover, has a motif reminiscent of such popular video games of the time as "Space Invaders," and was shown just before the closing credits of a program. This particular airing preceded the ending of an edition of The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, August 6th 1983 at a little before 11:00am.

Date Uploaded: 07/13/2012

Tags: 1980s   WBBM Channel 2   Kids' Stuff     


The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, August 6th 1983 at a little before 11:00am." /> Share


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