4-Way Cold Tablets (Commercial, 1965)

Views: 3430


Here's a vintage commercial for 4-Way Cold Tablets, showing the difference between it and a regular cold capsule in terms of the relief that is offered - 4-Way providing relief for nasal congestion, aches and pains, sluggishness and fever, as opposed to the cold capsule only offering relief for the first-named of these symptoms.

Voiceover by Phil Tonken (longtime staff announcer for WOR Channel 9 in New York).

This aired on local Chicago TV early Friday, March 5th 1965.

Date Uploaded: 02/01/2009

Tags: Black & White Clips (As Originally Aired)   1950s & 1960s     




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Dth1971 08/28/2012 Reply

Was this by the same company that made 4 Way Nasal Spray?