WBBM Channel 2 - TV 2 News at 10pm (Part 1, 1973)
Here's Part 1 of a complete edition of the TV 2 News at 10pm on WBBM Channel 2 with anchor Bob Wallace, with a brief appearance by Bruce Roberts and featuring future CBS and NBC News correspondent Bob Faw. Includes:
Animated TV 2 station ID (voiceover by ??)
TV 2 News at 10pm open - "From the Newsroom" - featuring Wallace and sportscaster Bruce Roberts, plus preview of the situation in the Middle East (voiceover by ??)
Bob Wallace announces at the start that Bill Kurtis is off "with a bad case of laryngitis," and then reads the following news items:
- Mideast peace in the wake of the recent "Yom Kippur War" is hanging on a "thin thread" due to the efforts of Henry Kissinger, shuttling back and forth among Tel Aviv, Cairo and Damascus, meeting with Israeli prime minister Golda Meir and Egyptian envoy Ismail Fahmi; pictures of Kissinger and Meir are shown during the course of the item, as is a map of the Middle East region
- Arab oil ministers meeting in Kuwait, warning U.S. and other Israeli allies to "tighten their belts" following recently-imposed Arab oil embargo in which five oil-producing countries stopped shipping imports to U.S.; oil has gone up 4 cents a gallon over the last three weeks, and predictions of 60 cents a gallon by next spring
- Calls for President Nixon's resignation or impeachment grow among those even on his side, with announcement that two of subpoenaed White House tapes don't exist; the Detroit News and Denver Post both call for Nixon's resignation in their respective Sunday editorials, and their sentiment is shared by columnist Joseph Alsop and commentator William F. Buckley, Jr. (a tape of Buckley, at a speech in Manhattan, KS, predicting Nixon's resignation is then shown; he mentions Barry Goldwater as among those he thinks will abandon Nixon at the end; tape from WIBW Channel 13 in Topeka, KS) (they would all get their wish eight months and five days from this newscast)
- A Chicago Daily News telephone poll suggests 49% believe Nixon cannot govern effectively for the next three years due to the Watergate scandal; 30% say he can; another telephone survey in Chicago, Philadelphia and Oklahoma city show 41% opposed to Nixon being replaced, and 37% in favor
- Nixon said to be "very concerned" over "the confusion surrounding those two missing tapes," but confident it could be cleared up and has decided to "tough it out," consulting with attorneys Leonard Garment and Fred Buzhardt at his Key Biscayne, FL home; Bob announces a CBS News Special Report on the Nixon situation to air the next night (November 4th) at 6:30pm
Bob then goes into other stories:
- Treasury Secretary George Shultz and former Treasury Secretary John Connally subpoenaed to tell Senate investigators what they knew of Nixon's ties to dairy industry, given their contributions to his re-election campaign in 1971 before the Administration ordered an increase in milk-price supports
- Illinois State Bar Association's policy-making body passes a resolution, 59-16, supporting Congressional efforts to create a Watergate special prosecutor
- In Chicago, Federal Judge Edward Gignoux acquits Chicago Seven defendants of almost half of the contempt of court charges against them (for failing to stand when Judge Julius Hoffman entered the courtroom); two of them - Lee Weiner and John Froines - are freed from any further prosecution; Bob Faw reports that Judge Gignoux threw out one charge against Rennie Davis and part of another against attorney William Kunstler (with artist's renditions of courtroom proceedings); film of U.S. Attorney James Thompson (later Governor of Illinois) at a news conference attempting to play down Judge Gignoux's ruling is then shown, followed by comments by defense attorney Morton Stavis; Bob Faw, in the newsroom, mentions that 19 counts remain against the five other Chicago Seven members, and Judge Gignoux will decide on Monday (the 5th) whether to dismiss 14 other charges
Bob previews the following upcoming stories:
- Police and FBI make a raid
- A visit to a do-it-yourselfer's heaven
Bumper with shot of parking meter and super text: "Next - Christopher Wallace: Ticket Blitz?"
Commercial: Lipton Cup-a-Soup - "Just Open the Package"
Commercial: People's Gas - urging people to start insulating their homes now to save gas when the winter months arrive
Shot of newsroom with super text: "In View - Bob Wallace: Do-it-yourself"
Commercial: London Fog coats - two women walking down key London landmarks - "Charming Things Can Happen in a London Fog" - coats made of DuPont Dacron fabric - "Lets You Laugh at the Weather" - Available at Lytton's and other stores (ending voiceover by ??)
Commercial: Northwest Orient Airlines to Florida - offer for free vacation dollars, worth $40 or more per couple for discounts on car rentals, fishing and boat rentals, dinners and shows, golfing and lots more (ah, the good old days of air travel ;-) ) - "Free Florida Dollars Available December 1st"
This aired on local Chicago TV on Saturday, November 3rd 1973 during the 10pm to 10:30pm timeframe.
Date Uploaded: 11/21/2011
Tags: 1970s WBBM Channel 2 News Mostly Content Full Commercial Breaks
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