WLS Channel 7 - News Bulletin - "No Static At All?" (1979)
Here's a news bulletin from WLS Channel 7, anchored by Fred Villanueva.
Well . . . attempted to be, as at the start we only hear static noise. After this false start, which saw the "News Bulletin" bumper return, the anchor advises of the start of a strike by bus drivers and motormen against the Chicago Transit Authority to commence at 3am on Monday, December 17th, and previews details of a possible firefighters' strike to come on Eyewitness News at 10pm.
Voiceover by Wayne Atkinson.
This bulletin was preceded by a short promo for the upcoming Monday (December 17th) 3:30 Movie airing of "Dracula Has Risen from the Grave" (voiceover by Fred Kasper? or Art Hellyer?), and in turn was followed by an excerpt from the made-for-TV movie "An American Christmas Carol" which starred Happy Days' Henry Winkler in old age makeup.
This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, December 16th 1979 during the 7:30pm to 9:30pm timeframe.
Date Uploaded: 11/09/2011
Tags: 1970s WLS Channel 7 News Technical Difficulty Moments & Screw-Ups News Bulletin Interruptions
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