Star Wars Patrol Dewback by Kenner (Commercial, 1980)
Here's a commercial for the Star Wars Patrol Dewback action figure by Kenner. Can be used with Storm Trooper action figure. Also seen are the R2-D2 and C-3PO action figures. Each sold separately.
This ad aired only a few months prior to the release of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (reclassified as Episode 5 in the saga after the release of the "prequels"). It is also notable for an early appearance by a young Ricky Schroeder (in the yellow shirt) - a few years before Silver Spoons (and many years before Schroeder, sans the "y" in his first name, appeared in NYPD Blue in its last years on the air).
Voiceover by Norman Rose.
"By moving his tail, you can make Dewback's head turn left and right."
This aired on local Chicago TV in February 1980.
Date Uploaded: 09/29/2011
Tags: 1980s Star Wars Toy/Game Commercials and PSAs Kids' Commericals
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