WBBM Channel 2 - Station ID Slide (Tiny Excerpt, 1971)
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Here's a very brief excerpt of a station ID slide from WBBM Channel 2. The "2" at this point was from the network-mandated "CBS Didot" serif font, unlike sister stations WCBS Channel 2 in New York and then-KNXT Channel 2 (now KCBS) in Los Angeles which then used sans-serif Grotesque No. 9 whose size was the same as the CBS Eye. It should be also noted that another sister station at the time, WCAU Channel 10 in Philadelphia (now owned by and affiliated with NBC), used the CBS Didot font for its logo on the sides of their RCA TK-42 color cameras, but it is not known if that typeface was used for on-air slides as was the case here.
Note: This was originally broadcast in color, but captured on this early home videotape recording in black and white. There are some tape-tracking problems that are noticeable at certain points on this clip. As for this slide, the "2" was originally amber yellow (and presumably the "CBS" inside the iris of the eye logo as well), and the background a shade of blue.
UPDATE: A beautiful, full color example of this ID in action has been found and posted here.
This aired on local Chicago TV sometime in 1971.
Date Uploaded: 07/03/2011
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