WGN Channel 9 - When Movies Were Movies - "The Petrified Forest" (Bumper Excerpts, 1972)

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Here are a couple bumper excerpts from the When Movies Were Movies presentation of "The Petrified Forest" (1936) on WGN Channel 9.

This is an early example of the particular "style" of this long-running movie showcase as would be seen in color on this 1979 opening and this bumper from the same year. As on the later examples, the main font used for When Movies Were Movies was Aurora Bold Condensed.

Note: This was originally broadcast in color, but captured on this early home videotape recording in black and white. There are some tape-tracking problems that are noticeable at certain points on this clip.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, July 9th 1972 during the 10:30 pm to 12:10am timeframe.

Date Uploaded: 07/03/2011

Tags: 1970s   WGN Channel 9   Local Movie Shows     


This is an early example of the particular "style" of this long-running movie showcase as would be seen in color on this 1979 opening and this bumper from the same year. As on the later examples, the main font used for When Movies Were Movies was Aurora Bold Condensed.

Note: This was originally broadcast in color, but captured on this early home videotape recording in black and white. There are some tape-tracking problems that are noticeable at certain points on this clip.

This aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, July 9th 1972 during the 10:30 pm to 12:10am timeframe." /> Share


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