Perkins' Fanta-Mals (Commercial #3, 1974?)

Views: 1136


Here's kind of a rare oddity - a commercial for a "coloring book/cut-out paper dolls kit" type toy called Fanta-Mals (or Mini-Mals) by Perkins. This was found on an old 3/4" tape and dates to about 1974 or 1975. Does anyone remember these?

Features the Fanta-Mals mascot - "Ralf", the green monster with the pink umbrella.

Again, not sure when or where these aired.

extra keywords for google searches: perkin's fantamals kit - minimals - fantamal's - fanta-mal's - mini-mal's - ralph - animals - big ralf - little ralf - jungle - farm - world - GAJ and Associates - G.A.J. - G.A.J - munster - indiana - Creative Child-Care Activity - Eaton Rapids, MI, Unlimited Child, Inc. - 1973

Date Uploaded: 10/11/2010

Tags: 1970s   Kids' Commericals     


Features the Fanta-Mals mascot - "Ralf", the green monster with the pink umbrella.

Again, not sure when or where these aired.

extra keywords for google searches: perkin's fantamals kit - minimals - fantamal's - fanta-mal's - mini-mal's - ralph - animals - big ralf - little ralf - jungle - farm - world - GAJ and Associates - G.A.J. - G.A.J - munster - indiana - Creative Child-Care Activity - Eaton Rapids, MI, Unlimited Child, Inc. - 1973" /> Share


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