WCIU Channel 26 - The Stock Market Observer (Ending, 1980)

Views: 3573


Here's the last four minutes of the Stock Market Observer on WCIU Channel 26. Features Eddie Ballantine giving some business news headlines and the wrap-up for the day.

The Stock Market Observer
With Ben Larson
Director - Glenn Stewart
Eddie Ballantine
Carmine Anthony
Ruth Graham

Also features a WCIU Station ID (voiceover by Bill O'Connor)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, April 17th 1980. (I'm pretty sure of the date - anyone want to double check? I know it says Friday, April 18th 1980 on the screen at one point but I think that's referring to the following day)

Date Uploaded: 02/15/2010

Tags: 1980s   WCIU Channel 26     




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