WSNS Channel 44 - "Stars" (Partial Station ID Slide, 1977)

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Here's another rarity - a partial station ID with a cool slide from WSNS TV-44. This aired at the beginning of an episode of The Invisible Man (series) which you can see a little bit of after the partial ID. The only other date clue I have is the ending credits which say that "To Tell The Truth" is next. Can any of our Schedule Sleuths find out when this might be from?

Voiceover (what there is of it) is by Mal Wyman.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Saturday, January 8th 1977 at 12:30am.

Date Uploaded: 10/26/2009

Tags: 1970s   WSNS Channel 44   Station ID Slides     


Voiceover (what there is of it) is by Mal Wyman.

This aired on local Chicago TV early Saturday, January 8th 1977 at 12:30am." /> Share


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