WSNS Channel 44 - Monster Rally Movie - "The Death Ray Of Dr. Mabuse" (Promo, 1977)
I just found this but I couldn't wait by putting it into the normal transfer queue - the oldest TV-44 footage I've ever found!!
Here's a promo for the Monster Rally Movie presentation of "The Death Ray of Dr. Mabuse" on WSNS Channel 44. This movie aired on Friday, April 15th 1977 at 10:30pm.
You can hear the same music as in the recently discovered opening to the Monster Rally Movie. (did we ever verify for sure if this is the One Step Beyond theme music?)
Voiceover by Linda Frost.
This promo aired on local Chicago TV sometime between April 10th - April 15th 1977.
Date Uploaded: 10/26/2009
Tags: 1970s WSNS Channel 44 Monster Rally Movie Local Movie Shows
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