WLS Channel 7 - Friday Night - "Steve & Garry" (Part 5, 1981)

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In honor of Steve Dahl's new foray into the world of Podcast Broadcasting (which begins today - check out Dahl.com for more info) - here is a vintage Steve & Garry appearance on WLS Channel 7's Friday Night with Jay Levine.

Part 5 begins with a announcement about requesting tickets for the show Friday Night (voiceover by Al Parker), then Steve talks about "Do Ya Think I'm Disco?", the "Anti-Disco Crusade" including Disco Demolition, and the line between satire and bad taste.

Bumper music featured at the end is ??

(Commercials were cut out of this segment of the broadcast - except for a smidgen of a Topol smoker's toothpaste ad)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, March 13th 1981.

Date Uploaded: 09/06/2009

Tags: 1980s   WLS Channel 7   Steve Dahl   Disco Demolition     


Dahl.com for more info) - here is a vintage Steve & Garry appearance on WLS Channel 7's Friday Night with Jay Levine.

Part 5 begins with a announcement about requesting tickets for the show Friday Night (voiceover by Al Parker), then Steve talks about "Do Ya Think I'm Disco?", the "Anti-Disco Crusade" including Disco Demolition, and the line between satire and bad taste.

Bumper music featured at the end is ??

(Commercials were cut out of this segment of the broadcast - except for a smidgen of a Topol smoker's toothpaste ad)

This aired on local Chicago TV on Friday, March 13th 1981." /> Share


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