WSNS Channel 44 - El Ángel Caído (Opening & Commercial Break #1, 1986)

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Here's some footage from after the conversion of WSNS-TV to Spanish programming - another commercial break for the program "El Ángel Caído". Includes:

WSNS-T.V. Chicago "Si Ahora Si" Station ID

Opening credits to the telenovella "El Ángel Caído" (with "SIN Presenta" animation at beginning).

Commercial: Pepto Bismol - "Old Man Puppet" (in Spanish). "El Remedio es el Mismo."

Commercial: McDonald's Mc D.L.T. (in Spanish).

Commercial: Rid-a-Bug (in Spanish)

Commercial: Spic and Span Pine (in Spanish)

Commercial: Supremo Rancherito Cheese. "Una Familia Feliz..." (those kids are great)

Beginning of "El Ángel Caído".

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, June 5th 1986 @ 3pm!


WSNS-T.V. Chicago "Si Ahora Si" Station ID

Opening credits to the telenovella "El Ángel Caído" (with "SIN Presenta" animation at beginning).

Commercial: Pepto Bismol - "Old Man Puppet" (in Spanish). "El Remedio es el Mismo."

Commercial: McDonald's Mc D.L.T. (in Spanish).

Commercial: Rid-a-Bug (in Spanish)

Commercial: Spic and Span Pine (in Spanish)

Commercial: Supremo Rancherito Cheese. "Una Familia Feliz..." (those kids are great)

Beginning of "El Ángel Caído".

This aired on local Chicago TV on Thursday, June 5th 1986 @ 3pm!" /> Share


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