WMAQ Channel 5 - Jerry Springer - "Adult Babies" (Part 1, 1992)
Now here's some quality entertainment...In honor of my new ascent into fatherhood and diaper changing (descent?), here is a (vintage?) Jerry Springer episode on WMAQ Channel 5 dealing with the very delicate (and absorbent) topic of Adult Babies. I seem to remember this show was on very early in the morning at this point - I think I set my VCR timer to record this one. :-)
Part 1 features Jerry interviewing "Stephanie" (real-name Denise), a graduate student who's into wearing diapers and acting like a baby (and also into wearing wigs apparently).
Commercial: Ragu Chicken Tonight Simmer Sauce.
Commercial: Nutri/System.
Commercial: Bush/Quayle '92 Campaign Ad - "Clinton Economics".
Commercial: Loomcraft Decorative Fabrics
This aired on local Chicago TV in early Fall of 1992.
Date Uploaded: 02/25/2009
Tags: WMAQ Channel 5 1990s
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