Hot Fudge Show (Part 4, 1974)

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Here's Part 4 (the last part) of an episode of the Hot Fudge Show - which was produced in Detroit but also aired all over the country, including Chicago on WFLD, WSNS, and WLS, at various times during the 70's and early 80's.

This last segment features another Write-On! with the Groucho Marx type puppet and Seymour, The Mitts featuring Seymour and another puppet at the piano, and Arte Johnson and Seymour doing a final banter before the ending credits.

Hot Fudge Show

Starring Arte Johnson and The Mitts

Produced & Created by Bonny Dore

Directed by Mason Weaver, Ron Pearson and Lyle Rees

Associate Producers - Melinda Barnett and Cheryl Gross

Writers - Barry Hurd and Mary Phyl Godfroy, Cheryl Gross, Tom Ryan, and Russ Vogel

Creator of The Mitts - Bob Elnicky, Bob Taylor, and Jeff Howell.

Film Production Asst. - Mark Even

Music Written & Coordinated by Dan Yessian, Larry Santos

Music Produced in Cooperation with Sound Patterns DXM

Technical Directors - Harry Lenk and Zack Lee

Gorilla-G.O.Rilla - Ron Kleinstiver (??)

Holy Moley Players - Russ Vogel and Tom Ryan

Arte's Friend - Erik Leverenz

Produced in cooperation with Dept. of Psychiatry Sinai Hospital "Problems of Daily Living Clinic"

Executive Producer - Doug Kole

Despite what the IMDB entry and Wikipedia entries say, the show began in 1974, as this episode is from that year and is one of the first. It stars Artie Johnson (of Laugh-In fame) as host as well as the puppet characters known as The Mitts.

Date Uploaded: 01/22/2008

Tags: 1980s   Kids' Stuff   Detroit TV Station Clips     


Executive Producer - Doug Kole

Despite what the IMDB entry and Wikipedia entries say, the show began in 1974, as this episode is from that year and is one of the first. It stars Artie Johnson (of Laugh-In fame) as host as well as the puppet characters known as The Mitts." /> Share


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