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Results for: 'WCIU Channel 26'

Meystel's Warehouse (Commercial #2, 1985?)

Views: 1039

Here's another commercial in Spanish for Meystel's Warehouse on WCIU Channel 26. Located at 1222 South Wabash Avenue.

"Since 1923"

Not sure when this aired but probably around 1985.

Meystel's Warehouse (Commercial #3, 1985?)

Views: 1216

Here's one more commercial in Spanish for Meystel's Warehouse on WCIU Channel 26. Located at 1222 South Wabash Avenue.

"Since 1923"

Not sure when this aired but probably around 1985.

WCIU Channel 26 - The Chicago Party (Opening, 1982)

Views: 2862

After Polka Party on Saturday Nights, WCIU Channel 26 had for a time a show called The Chicago Party - here's the opening 5 minutes of an episode, including a commercial break, before the tape ends. Includes:

WCIU Station ID (voiceover by Bill O'Connor)

Opening of The Chicago Party starring James Christopher and Willie Woods.

Commercial: CopHerBox II - "Ask Your Kids"

Commercial: Screamin' Wheels Roller Rink at 6119 Melton Road in G...

WCIU Channel 26 - The Warren Freiberg Show (Part 3, 1981)

Views: 2584

Here's Part 3 of an episode of The Warren Freiberg Show on WCIU Channel 26. In case you weren't familiar with him, Warren Freiberg had some rather "extreme" and "fringe" opinions. He had a radio show, and you may also remember him turning up in little vignettes on Steve Dahl's "It's Too Early" show from 1983.

This part features Warren and Libby talking with video-recording pioneer (and comic book store pioneer) Larry Charet (yes, the legendary man who accidently recorded the Th...

WCIU Channel 26 - Mulqueen's Kiddie A-Go-Go (Part 2, 1969)

Views: 3685

Here's Part 2 of an episode of Mulqueen's Kiddie a-Go-Go on WCIU Channel 26. Includes:

Pandora talks to the baby character "Geronimo"

"Moople" the Frog and Pandora try to guess the jokes that two of the kids have for them, with prize assistance by "Uncle Bruce" (Bruce Schuster). Features Patrice Morbial (sp?) and Richard Rogers. (wouldn't it be neat if someone could track them down now, or if any of the kids dancing on this episode were found?)


WCIU Channel 26 - Hellenic Theater (Part 2, 1978?)

Views: 640

Here is Part 2 of a segment from Hellenic Theater on WCIU Channel 26.

"If you lived in Chicago and spoke Greek, or had a relative who did you knew who Bobby Papademus was. Bobby was a mainstay of Greek radio in Chicago.

One of WCIU's first independent "ethnic" producers, Bobby entertained Chicago's Greek audience for many years on Sunday nights at 7pm with Hellenic Theater. Mostly a music show with talent from Chicago's many Greek nightclubs, the show was d...

WCIU Channel 26 - Hellenic Theater (Part 1, 1978?)

Views: 1726

Here is Part 1 of a segment from Hellenic Theater on WCIU Channel 26.

"If you lived in Chicago and spoke Greek, or had a relative who did you knew who Bobby Papademus was. Bobby was a mainstay of Greek radio in Chicago.

One of WCIU's first independent "ethnic" producers, Bobby entertained Chicago's Greek audience for many years on Sunday nights at 7pm with Hellenic Theater. Mostly a music show with talent from Chicago's many Greek nightclubs, the show was d...

WCIU Channel 26 - Mulqueen's Kiddie A-Go-Go (Part 3, 1969)

Views: 3750

Here's the third and final segment from an episode of Mulqueen's Kiddie a-Go-Go on WCIU Channel 26. (unfortunately they stopped recording early, before the show ended) Includes:

The kids dance to "Back in Love Again" by The Buckinghams for "Moldy-Oldy Time".

Commercial: Steven's Super Skates (Manufactured by Sekur All Corp.) - available at Klipper's Toys - 1314 Waukegan Road in Glenview, IL. Dial PA 4-2040 (ending voiceover by Elaine Mulqueen)


WCIU Channel 26 - Hellenic Theater (Part 3 - Last, 1978?)

Views: 918

Here is Part 3, the last part, of a segment from Hellenic Theater on WCIU Channel 26.

"If you lived in Chicago and spoke Greek, or had a relative who did you knew who Bobby Papademus was. Bobby was a mainstay of Greek radio in Chicago.

One of WCIU's first independent "ethnic" producers, Bobby entertained Chicago's Greek audience for many years on Sunday nights at 7pm with Hellenic Theater. Mostly a music show with talent from Chicago's many Greek nightclubs...