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Results for: 'Kids' Stuff'
Chicago White Sox - "Bat Day with Bobby Bonds" (Promo, 1978)
Views: 2868
Here's a Chicago White Sox promo for White Sox / Coca-Cola Bat Day on Sunday, April 9th at (the original) Comiskey Park, during the White Sox vs. Boston Red Sox matchup. Featuring Bobby Bonds (whose son, Barry Bonds, later became a home-run legend himself) with a young fan.
"If you're one of the first 15,000 kids under 14, and accompanied by a paid adult, you will get a Bobby Bonds-style Little League bat - just like this one, compliments of Coke and the White Sox."
WFLD Channel 32 - Son Of Svengoolie - "Frankenstein" (Break #7, 1985)
Views: 1828
Here's Break #7 to another rare episode of Son of Svengoolie. This was number 302 where he was presenting the classic film "Frankenstein". Includes:
Sven bumper
Commercial: Suitery with Garry Meier (again)
Commercial: Cabbage Patch Kids chewable vitamins featuring pediatrician and author Dr. Lendon H. Smith (who's voice is clearly replaced by a voiceover)
Commercial: 1st City Builders
Commercial: Plywood Minnesota - "Extra E...
WBBM Channel 2 - Noonbreak - "Weather with Harry Volkman" (Segment & Break, 1978)
Views: 2924
Here's a partial segment from Noonbreak on WBBM Channel 2, introduced by Bob Wallace, and featuring a Weather report by the late, great Harry Volkman.
At the beginning we see the tail end of a story, then Bob's intro, and then the weather report. Bob gives the stock market update, and then we see a complete commercial break -
Commercial: Holsum bread
Political Ad: Alex Seith for Senate
Commercial: Ponds cold cream / Ponds Lig...
WLS Channel 7 - AM Chicago - "Outrageous Talk Show Hosts" (Part 7, 1985)
Views: 1938
Here's Part 7, the last part, of an episode of AM Chicago on WLS Channel 7. The topic was controversial, provocative and outrageous radio talk show hosts and featured Alan Burke of WGBS in Miami, Morton Downey Jr. (on this show just going by Mort Downey) of WERE in Cleveland, Warren Freiberg of WLNR in Lansing, IL, Irv Homer of WWDB in Philadelphia, and Jerry Williams of WRKO in Boston. Starring Oprah Winfrey as host.
This episode featured the infamous "soap spraying" inciden...
Star Wars Patrol Dewback by Kenner (Commercial, 1980)
Views: 2015
Here's a commercial for the Star Wars Patrol Dewback action figure by Kenner. Can be used with Storm Trooper action figure. Also seen are the R2-D2 and C-3PO action figures. Each sold separately.
This ad aired only a few months prior to the release of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (reclassified as Episode 5 in the saga after the release of the "prequels"). It is also notable for an early appearance by a young Ricky Schroeder (in the yellow shirt) - a few ...
Shrink Magic (Commercial, 1975)
Views: 865
Here's a commercial for Shrink Magic, which curls and shrinks any object from an idea book (traced onto plastic, colored pertinently and then baked for 3 minutes) into jewelry, mobile strips, and other contraptions - even cartoon characters such as a certain clown. A fast-motion example of one such object (of a frog) being shrunk to one-third of its original size by baking is shown.
Something tells me this toy might have been a bigger seller with a catchier name - maybe someth...
WFLD Channel 32 - "Nite-Owl" (Part 3, 1982)
Views: 1998
The third 10 minutes of the Keyfax Nite-Owl Service program from August 25th, 1982 as broadcast on Channel 32 WFLD in Chicago.
This part features "Doctor Trickster" - a "slippery customer".
This part mentions Lisa Moroniak of Schiller Park, SC Kostrzewski of Chicago, Flo Naurot of Chicago, Joseph Kimball of Waukegan, Robert Rogers of Markham, Laurie Williams of Chicago, Laura Denchucis of Chicago, Dorothy Jones of Kankakee, and Paul and John Stack of Brookfield.<...
WFLD Channel 32 - Son of Svengoolie - "Bride of Frankenstein" (Break #8, 1983)
Views: 1132
Here's the eighth commercial break for the Son of Svengoolie presentation of the 1935 film "Bride of Frankenstein" on WFLD Channel 32. Includes:
Son of Svengoolie bumper
Commercial: Dick Van Dyke for Hunt's All Natural Barbecue Sauce (previously seen in third break)
Commercial: Award Lumber & Construction Co. - "Make Your Old Home Look New for Less" with maintenance-free aluminum siding
Commercial: Bountiful Pistachios (pre...
WLS Channel 7 - The 1981 State Street Christmas Parade (Excerpt)
Views: 3753
Here is the last 12 minutes of The 45th Annual State Street Christmas Parade, from 1981, hosted by Joel Daly and Diane Allen. Subtitled, "Santa's Fantasy" (?) Featuring:
Buckets The Clown (Hey, he's no Bozo, but who is?)
WCFL 1000 Personality Float
Abraham Lincoln High School Marching Band from Bloomington, Minnesota
The Chimney Sweeps
Chicago Police/American Legion Marching Band
Santa and his sleigh!
Frank Mathie getting swamped by k...