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Results for: ' Chatter's World - Chatter The Monkey'
WFLD Channel 32 - Newstalk with Wanda Wells - "Psychology and the Vote" (Part 2, 1984)
Views: 626
Here's Part 2 of an edition of Newstalk with Wanda Wells on WFLD Channel 32. Also featuring reporter Gail Street and guest Dr. Sidney H. Weissman, M.D. (Fuzzy's father-in-law). Includes:
Newstalk bumper animation
Wanda introducing Gail Street who reports on the following items:
- The upcoming Cook County board meeting, in which board president George W. Dunne is set to introduce measures designed to reduce a projected $35 million bu...
WMAQ Channel 5 - 5 Cheers Chicago's New Year (Part 1, 1980/1981)
Views: 2009
Here's 5 Cheers Chicago's New Year, an end-of-one-year-and-beginning-of-another celebration on WMAQ Channel 5, hosted by Warner Saunders, Carol Marin, Jerry Taft and Barry Bernson. Also featuring drummer Isaac "Red" Holt, Miomir's Serbian Club owner Miomir Radovanovich, executive chef Alfred(?), kitchen chef Donna(?), Abbey Pub owner Peter Furlong(?), weekend weatherman Terry Burhans, and numerous partygoers. Includes:
Tail end of Today promo with guest Marvin H...
WMAQ Channel 5 - All-Star Salute to Mother's Day [Excerpt] (Part 3, 1981)
Views: 679
Here's our Part 3 of a portion of the All-Star Salute to Mother's Day, hosted by Ed McMahon and Jayne Kennedy, that aired on WMAQ Channel 5. This part features (in order of appearance) Don Rickles' mother Etta, Shecky Greene, Mary Elizabeth McDonough with her own mother and those of Beverly Adams Sassoon, John Cassavetes, Bob Denver, the late David Janssen (who died the year before this special), Blake Edwards, Gena Rowlands, Toni Tennille, Lesley Ann Warren, and Cindy Williams, as we...
Views: 1487
Here's the ending moments of an edition of Friday Night on WLS Channel 7, hosted by Jay Levine with guests Dr. Robert M. (Bob) Liepert, Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, and co-trainer Mary Ann Mayo (sp?); followed by a Special Report and then the opening moments of the Late Night Movie presentation of the 1942 Fredric March / Veronica Lake film "I Married a Witch" (directed by Rene Clair). Includes:
KTTV Channel 11 - Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Coverage (Part 3, 1968)
Views: 602
This clip made possible by the donations from our generous group of "Fuzzketeers" during the Spring 2012 Tape Transfer Fundraiser.
Here's Part 3, the final part, of coverage of the 1968 assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy as it was breaking, from Metromedia Television News, originating out of KTTV Channel 11 in Los Angeles (a future sister station to WFLD Channel 32) and ai...
WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "New Year's News" (Excerpt, 1979)
Views: 2082
Here's an excerpt of a New Year's Day edition from Eyewitness News anchored by Vivian Rosenberg(?) and Jay Levine, with reports from John Culea, Sheila Stainback and Karen Kalish. Includes:
As the tape comes in, we are in the middle of a report on a spate of murders of Chicago cab drivers, the latest victim being 24-year-old Bejan Moshkel Gosha (?) of North Sheridan Road, found shot to death at North Ashland after quarreling with a group of people.
This i...
WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News - "Sadat Assassination Coverage" (1981)
Views: 2347
Here's coverage of the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat from Eyewitness News on WLS Channel 7. Featuring anchors Fahey Flynn and Joel Daly, and former 1980 presidential candidate John Anderson.
After his "how do you do" opening, Fahey spoke of how in some parts of the world, Sadat was a man of peace, but in other parts, he was seen as a traitor. Fahey quotes Libyan dictator Muammar Khadafy who proclaimed, "We challenge whoever takes the path of Sadat ...
WBBM Channel 2 - So You Think You Know Chicago? (Part 1, 1974)
Views: 3533
This clip made possible by the donations from our generous group of "Fuzzketeers" during the Spring 2012 Tape Transfer Fundraiser.
Here's Part 1 of a special called So You Think You Know Chicago? on WBBM Channel 2. This was the third broadcast in a continuing series of shows called Chicago Alive. The hosts were legendary anchors Bill Kurtis and Walter Jacobson. Al...
WTTW Channel 11 - Medical Self-Help Training - "Infant and Child Care" (Part 2, 1963)
Views: 491
Here's Part 2 of an edition of Medical Self-Help Training on WTTW Channel 11. This, the ninth of a total of 16 installments of an ongoing course about maintaining life and health in times of national disaster or emergencies, deals with the topic of "Infant and Child Care" and is hosted by Dr. Max Klinghoffer, Chairman of the Illinois State Medical Society's (ISMS) Disaster Medical Care Committee.
This was transferred directly from a 2" Quad tape, and was recorded on Oct...