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Results for: ' Raw Footage (Not From Broadcast)'
The Roast Of Tim Weigel - "Jack Brickhouse" (Part 2, 1981)
Views: 2283
Here's Part 2 of an interesting "backstage" glimpse at some local TV personalities of yore - raw footage shot at a dinner event "roasting" Tim Weigel. (Roasting Weigel's Weiner?) Included are such notables as Fahey Flynn, Ray Meyer, Joel Daly, Bill Veeck, Al Lerner, Bill Gleason, Jack Brickhouse, and more. (Can anyone help ID any? They don't have to be famous, if you know who someone is, let me know)
Part 2 includes Al Lerner as M.C. and Jack Brickhouse giving Tim a good jo...
The Roast Of Tim Weigel - "Bill Gleason" (Part 3, 1981)
Views: 1446
Here's Part 3 of an interesting "backstage" glimpse at some local TV personalities of yore - raw footage shot at a dinner event "roasting" Tim Weigel. (Roasting Weigel's Weiner?) Included are such notables as Fahey Flynn, Ray Meyer, Joel Daly, Bill Veeck, Al Lerner, Bill Gleason, Jack Brickhouse, and more. (Can anyone help ID any? They don't have to be famous, if you know who someone is, let me know)
Part 3 includes Bill Gleason (of "Sportswriters (Sports Writers) on TV" fa...
Diamond Pete's Diamond Mine at Unity Savings (1980)
Views: 1741
Sometimes when you go through a lot of tapes you find some things that are hard to explain or initially figure out.
The Roast Of Tim Weigel - "Pre-Show Eat & Gab" (Part 1, 1981)
Views: 2339
Here's Part 1 of an interesting "backstage" glimpse at some local TV personalities of yore - raw footage shot at a dinner event "roasting" Tim Weigel. (Roasting Weigel's Weiner?) Included are such notables as Fahey Flynn, Ray Meyer, Joel Daly, Bill Veeck, Al Lerner, Bill Gleason, Jack Brickhouse, Linda Lerner, and more. (Can anyone help ID any? They don't have to be famous, if you know who someone is, let me know)
Part 1 includes b-roll (I guess you might call it) of the ev...
The Roast Of Tim Weigel - "Jimmy Piersall" (Part 4, 1981)
Views: 1562
Here's Part 4 of an interesting "backstage" glimpse at some local TV personalities of yore - raw footage shot at a dinner event "roasting" Tim Weigel. (Roasting Weigel's Weiner?) Included are such notables as Fahey Flynn, Ray Meyer, Joel Daly, Bill Veeck, Al Lerner, Bill Gleason, Jack Brickhouse, and more. (Can anyone help ID any? They don't have to be famous, if you know who someone is, let me know)
Part 4 includes former ballplayer and White Sox broadcaster Jimmy Piersall...
WGN Channel 9 - Bozo's Circus - "The Premiere Episode!!" (1961) [April Fools Joke]
Views: 9005
WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News At 5pm - "Off-Air Chatter" (Part 4, 1978)
Views: 1868
Here's Part 4 of a complete edition of the Eyewitness News at 5pm on WLS Channel 7. This is from a recording of the studio feed, so there are no commercials - instead we get to see some off-the-cuff moments where the anchors are waiting to go back on the air. Features John Drury, Terry Murphy, Bill Frink, Johnny Mountain, Bob Petty, Hugh Hill, and others.
This was recorded on Thursday, January 12th 1978.
WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News At 5pm (Ending, 1977)
Views: 3401
At the end of a tape was the ending only of the Eyewitness News at 5pm on WLS Channel 7. This came from a studio recording, not off-air, so the audio is eventually turned down and the picture goes to a static shot of the Eyewitness News set. Features Jay Levine, Terry Murphy, and Joel Daly.
The ICBM control room looks exactly like the one in the opening scene of WarGames!
Based on the news stories, this seems to be from Tuesday, December 27th 1977.
WLS Channel 7 - Eyewitness News At 5pm - "Off-Air Chatter" (Part 6, 1978)
Views: 1314
Here's Part 6 of a complete edition of the Eyewitness News at 5pm on WLS Channel 7. This is from a recording of the studio feed, so there are no commercials - instead we get to see some off-the-cuff moments where the anchors are waiting to go back on the air. Features John Drury, Terry Murphy, Bill Frink, Johnny Mountain, Bob Petty, Hugh Hill, and others.
I am too tired to fill in the info on this part yet. Too much work to do. :-(
This was recorded on Thursd...